Electronic Cabinet Locks

When choosing a combination cabinet lock, you first need to decide if you require a mechanical combination cabinet lock or an elecftronic cabinet lock.
A standard mechanical combination cam lock allows the user to set a code and that code is then used each time to open the locker, the code can be changed but will only ever allow one code to open the lock as it is mechanical.
Example of a mechanical combination lock Atlas 7440:
Atlas Lock 7440 Combination Cam Lock - Locks Galore
Electronic digital cabinet locks are compact and wireless, they can be fitted in place of a standard keyed cam lock, and will usually have an opening code and a master code.
Better quality electronic cabinet locks like the Atlas EL603, EL701 and EL703 Digital cabinet locks also have a gymnasium mode function which is ideal for gyms and short term locker usage, where a code can be set and used only once more upon your return to clear the locker out of your belongings, and leave it for the next locker user to set their own one time usage code.
Electronic Cabinet Locks - Locks Galore
The Atlas EL603, EL701 and EL703 Electronic Digital locks also have anti theft fake pin code function, in this mode you can input any code numbers before or after the real password to prevent the real password being seen by someone else that could be watching over your shoulder, maximum 16 digits long.