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Tambour door locks

Tambour double door lock

Tambour double door lock
Price AU (inc GST)

A great new lock for locking double tambour doors together, featuring two prongs which positively lock into the striker and in doing so eliminate the possibilty of lifting the door out of the lock to break in.

Tambour single door lock

Tambour single door lock
Price AU (inc GST)

To suit a single tambour door that locks against the cabinet wall, featuring two prongs which positively lock into the striker and in doing so eliminate the possibilty of lifting the door out of the lock to break in.

Tambour Door Lock Silver

Tambour Door Lock Silver
Price AU (inc GST)

Tambour door lock is used for smaller tambour or roller shutter doors

Tambour Door Lock Triple Locking

Tambour Door Lock Triple Locking
Price AU (inc GST)

Used for longer horizontal doors using aluminium bars to lock into the two sides of the cabinet. The product has a top locking bolt that secures at the top of the cabinet. 

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