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Shipping Container Lock

Abus 83/50 Padlock. Closed Shackle

Abus 83/50 Padlock. Closed Shackle
Price AU (inc GST)

50mm heavy duty nickel plated brass body,closed shackle with double ball locking and special alloy shackle as standard. Available in keyed to differ or keyed alike at the same price.

Abus Gatesec for round pipe gates

Abus Gatesec for round pipe gates
Price AU (inc GST)

Suits up to a 12 mm diameter padlock shackle.
Suits up to a 50 mm diameter round cyclone fence frame (OD).
Easier & quicker than using chain.
Great visual deterrent.

Abus Padlock Model 83/60 KD

Abus Padlock Model 83/60 KD
Price AU (inc GST)

The Abus 83/60, also known as "THE ROCK" is a super heavy duty, all steel padlock. Ideal for use in high security commercial applications.

Abus 83/80 High Security Padlock

Abus 83/80 High Security Padlock
Price AU (inc GST)

The Abus 83/80, also known as "THE ROCK" is a super heavy duty, all steel padlock. Ideal for use in high security commercial applications.

This is the maximum security padlock for locking up your treasured Harley Davidson, Ducati or Jet Ski.


Abus Container Lock Granit 215/100

Abus Container Lock Granit 215/100
Price AU (inc GST)

Shipping Container Lock Maximum Security

The Abus Conlock Granit 215/100 Container Lock is a corrosion protected maximum security lock, designed to protect most common shipping and storage containers against theft and vandalism. Also suitable for vans, gates, trailers and warehouse doors.

Carbine Armadillo Hasp Lock

Carbine Armadillo Hasp Lock
Price AU (inc GST)

Carbine Armadillo Hasp Lock

The Carbine Armadillo is a high security hasp, stable & padlock all in one. When not in use the Armadillo rotates under it's fixing allowing access. Highly resistant to most conventional attacks, such as crow bars, bolt cutters, and drilling. These factors along with the Armadillo's 2000kg breaking force grant it considerably more security than traditional hasp & staple designs.

Suited to maximum-security industrial & commercial applications such as steel gates, containers, truck and trailers, shop fronts, warehouse doors, etc.

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