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Restricted Key Lockbolts

Restricted Ilco IP8 Key ADI Commercial Slimline Lockable Bolt

Restricted Ilco IP8 Key ADI Commercial Slimline Lockable Bolt
Price AU (inc GST)

ADI SL5 Slimline Lockable Bolt with Locks Galore Restricted Security Keys. Each lock is supplied to you with its own unique restricted keycode, a signature form is supplied to you for signing, and is then kept on our secure key register.

ADI Commercial Double BlockLock Side Pin on Restricted IP8 Keys

ADI Commercial Double BlockLock Side Pin on Restricted IP8 Keys
Price AU (inc GST)

The ADI Double BlockLock Side Pin with Locks Galore Restricted Security Keys. Each lock is supplied to you with its own unique restricted keycode, a signature form is supplied to you for signing, and is then kept on our secure key register. Only your approved signatories can request extra keys cut.

Abus Container Lock Granit 215/100

Abus Container Lock Granit 215/100
Price AU (inc GST)

Shipping Container Lock Maximum Security

The Abus Conlock Granit 215/100 Container Lock is a corrosion protected maximum security lock, designed to protect most common shipping and storage containers against theft and vandalism. Also suitable for vans, gates, trailers and warehouse doors.

Restricted Ilco IP8 Key Lock Bolt ADI 444 Blocklok

Restricted Ilco IP8 Key Lock Bolt ADI 444 Blocklok
Price AU (inc GST)

ADI 444 Blocklok lock bolt with Locks Galore Restricted Security Keys. Each lock is supplied to you with its own unique restricted keycode, a signature form is supplied to you for signing, and is then kept on our secure key register.

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