Toyota Key Blank TOY43R

Chevrolet (USA)
Make / Model | From | To |
COLORADO | 2004 |
Make / Model | From | To |
D-MAX | 2002 | 2006 |
Duplication trick - TOY 43
When duplicating a TOY43 profile it is highly recommended you use the dedicated jaws on your machine (eg: side 'B' on a Silca Bravo Professional jaw).
The important thing is to hold the key from the profile, NOT from the base of the blade as you'd do with most residential and other automotive keys.
This way you're holding the key from the centre-line, and any variation in the height of the blank is irrelevant as it will be cut away by the cutting process.
When cutting a TOY43R you may want to use a different side of the jaw for good results.
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LW4 (C4) Key Blanks 50 keys
Quality MLG brand LW4 (C4) Key blanks to suit the majority of Lockwood C4 Profile, locks. Sold in bags of 50 key blanks.
WC2 Key Blanks 50 keys
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WC2 Key Blanks 200 keys
Quality MLG brand WC2 Key blanks to suit Whitco locks. Sold in bags of 200 key blanks.
LW5 Key Blanks 50 keys
Quality MLG brand LW5 (Ilco LK1) Key blanks to suit the majority of 6 pin Lockwood C4 Profile, locks.
Sold in bags of 50 key blanks.